Sebutken canto hasil gagarabah
1. Sebutken canto hasil gagarabah
guci, vas bunga, patung dari berbagai bentuk,
maaf kalau salah
2. Kerjasama yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk memciptakan lingkungan yang sehat cantonya
tidak membuang sampah sembarangan,
dan menjaga lingkungan dengan baik.
3. Qué quiere decir la autora cuando dice que la primavera se rie todas las penas del mundo
carlodo sambala sambala lado
sambala sambala sambal ladoooo trasa pedss trasa panaanssvoagiqgoqfk1h1kd2xh2dv2idv2uxiy8kv2ckaciqgidigi1iggivid8rigit8t3heg3u2h3icejwy3bebsosasaasaiaiiswsoooswaaaaswbsjriebrh46rb3kwfkgqhii1gdi1d91h91fo11f92g92hofh39g
4. Do the following tasks properly,1. How would you say for the following situations?a. You want to get your classmates' attentionbecause you intend to deliver important news.b. You want to check your friend'sunderstanding after you have explaineda lesson.2. Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions.Amelia : You look happy.(a)Denny : Yes, I have more than thousandsubscribers on my channel.Amelia : (b)Denny : Thanks.Amelia : Keep up the excellent work!Denny : (c)You have a group assignment to interviewEnglish native speakers. You are a group leader.Before doing the interview, you need to get yournembers' attention and explain the procedure.hen, you check their understanding about yourxplanation. How would the conversation go?omplete the following short conversationsth your own sentences.5. Complete the following text with 'can', canto'will', or 'will not'.1(a)_sing very well, butI (b)play any instrument. I want tolearnlearn playing the guitar so I (c)how to play it from my cousin. Anggi, mycousin, is a guitarist at her school band. She isreally good at playing the guitar. She is verybusy with her studies and band, but she(d)teach me on weekends.I (e)miss this chance.6. Ask and state capabilities or incapabilitiesbased on the following cue words.a. swim/yesb. bake/notype fast/yesknit/noe. refill the ink printer/yes7. You have a group assignment. You ask for youfriend's willingness to join your group. Howwould the conversation go?8. Write at least five sentences about what youmust do and must not do at school.9. You are in a park. You see a person standingthe grass whereas there is a sign "Keep off 1
Maap tapi cuma satu nomor
5. Text for No. 34-38see theThey weekend traditional makeradicalme with my mom. There are many thingsmadisonal make the seller, buiering, undeme shops andThere are lots of chce theclose andped My mom svein trade market och 20 kg of misce, and better thetional market complete and the price che per than the price in thesupermarket. To han the price but there is one thing I dislike There is a canto thetraditional marke Ir's attle bat duty, tinky wwe ding the rain34. Every well to traditional market with my momThe underlined and refers toA. The sellerB. The readerC. The whiteD. The Butcher35. When does the winter sually go to traditional marker?A. very dayB. Every morningC. Every afternoon D. Every weekend 36.What does the writer's mother buy in the traditional marketA Vegetables, fruits and daily needs B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needsC. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stallD. Fashion, vegetables, fruit and daily needs37.Who atement is not true according to the aboveA The price is cheapB. The buyer can bargain the priceC. The priceis fixed pack (the buyer cannor hargain the price) D. Sometimes uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet 38.It's little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season . The word "stiky" meansA CleanB LargeC. Smalls badD Francefihi
6. Text for questions number 13 16The common fg, Ficus Canto is a tree in the fama Monacee grown for its edible fruits Fog Frutechnically a fruit, but a sconium a fresh hollow recetach with my fans on the inside watt. The fruit la roughlyoval or fear-shaped and can the yellow-green, bronza or dark purple colout it is consomed fresh or dried it may alsobe processed to produce jams or hg paste.Fig trees grow in both mild temperata climates and in the tropics, where they grow as evergreens. They can besuccessfully grown on many types of soil, but will grow optimally in deep sandy day loans with a phbetween 6 and 3.They can range in height from 3m to mand can live for SO - 17 years depending on the conditions. The trees havenumerous spreading branches and palmate leaves. The leaves are deeply labedand thick with rough upper andhairylower surfaces They have regular teeth on the marginsFig trees are generally vegetativelay propagated from cuttings which are rooted in a nursery Cuttings should betaken from the previous years growth when the trees are dormant and should be severed at the nodes and planted inprepared nursery beds or pots to the tips to allow a strong root system to develop13. What is the topic of the texta. The description of fig tree in generalThe edible fruitsb. The description of fig fruit in generald. The types of fig tree14. They succesfully grow on many types of soil. The word "They in the sentence refers toa. The climates b. The jamsc. The temperate d The fig trees15. We should plant fig trees in soil with certain pH fora. optimum growthgrowing up to 30cm tallb. producing abundant fruitd. easy nutrient16. What does the second paragraph tell us about?a. The usage of the fig fruitThe propagation of fig treesb. The habitat of fig treesd. the characteristics of fig treebantu jawab
13.A.The description of fig tree in general The edible fruits
14.C.the temperate
15.A.optium growth
16.A.The usage of tge fig fruit
#semoga membantu maaf kalo salah#
7. Isé1916112PenisPOxbuerBencaDISUCom50A banialeh alarCanto oDariDOKUMEN NEGARASANGAT RAHASIAP2MATEMATIKA SDPerangkat dari Kota A pukul 06.00 WIB. Jika jarak rata-ratakecepatan rata-rata bus 60 km/jam, maka20. Sebuah bus berangkat dari Kota AKota A ke Kota B 300 km dan kecepatan rabus tiba di Kota B pada pukul ...A. 10.00 WIBB. 10.30 WIBC. 11.00 WIBD. 11.30 WIB
jadi bus sampai di kota 11.30
8. Namatahe Bandhangan swaraArahan beingAlan SayangGumede, worangata lain mail anta kandanda wa Pandangan caraMonaba san markle can be blow didhawult muundwa wentamanakan tan gatekna Dapat na* Bandhangan swaragandangan awala wutu iku kangge nella swara sing wineMapane ng sandhuwure aksara ang disandhangwurdeCanto tuladha al cakungmalahaldankakt2. Sanghangan swara uSandhangan awala suku iku kangue nulla sing unina awara uMapane digandheng ing ngisore akuara sing deandhangiWalude:UnineCenteuladhadudupupulugu
bahasa apa itu
maaf kalau nggk jawab:)9. Text for No. 34-38see theThey weekend traditional makeradicalme with my mom. There are many thingsmadisonal make the seller, buiering, undeme shops andThere are lots of chce theclose andped My mom svein trade market och 20 kg of misce, and better thetional market complete and the price che per than the price in thesupermarket. To han the price but there is one thing I dislike There is a canto thetraditional marke Ir's attle bat duty, tinky wwe ding the rain34. Every well to traditional market with my momThe underlined and refers toA. The sellerB. The readerC. The whiteD. The Butcher35. When does the winter sually go to traditional marker?A. very dayB. Every morningC. Every afternoon D. Every weekend 36.What does the writer's mother buy in the traditional marketA Vegetables, fruits and daily needs B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needsC. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stallD. Fashion, vegetables, fruit and daily needs37.Who atement is not true according to the aboveA The price is cheapB. The buyer can bargain the priceC. The priceis fixed pack (the buyer cannor hargain the price) D. Sometimes uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet It's little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season . The word "stiky" meansA CleanB LargeD Francefihi
10. Text for No. 34-38see theThey weekend traditional makeradicalme with my mom. There are many thingsmadisonal make the seller, buiering, undeme shops andThere are lots of chce theclose andped My mom svein trade market och 20 kg of misce, and better thetional market complete and the price che per than the price in thesupermarket. To han the price but there is one thing I dislike There is a canto thetraditional marke Ir's attle bat duty, tinky wwe ding the rain34. Every well to traditional market with my momThe underlined and refers toA. The sellerB. The readerC. The whiteD. The Butcher35. When does the winter sually go to traditional marker?A. very dayB. Every morningC. Every afternoon D. Every weekend 36.What does the writer's mother buy in the traditional marketA Vegetables, fruits and daily needs B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needsC. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stallD. Fashion, vegetables, fruit and daily needs37.Who atement is not true according to the aboveA The price is cheapB. The buyer can bargain the priceC. The priceis fixed pack (the buyer cannor hargain the price) D. Sometimes uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet It's little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season . The word "stiky" meansA CleanB LargeD Francefihi
semoga membantu
11. canto Selain kantung koroner, masih banyak contoh penyakit yang dapat mengganggu organ peredaran darah. Sekarang, tugos kamu untuk mencari penyakit yang bisa mengganggu organ peredaran darah manusia beserta cara pencegahannya. Kamu bisa mencari informasi tersebut dari berbagai sumber bacaan, termasuk internet. Tuliskan hasilnya dalam bentuk obel seperti berikut! Penyokat 1. 2 3. 4. 5. "Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati". Itulah slogan kesehatan yan sering kita dengar. Apa makna slogan tersebut? Tentu saja slogan yang beri nasihat. Adapun makna dari slogan tersebut, adalah mencegah timbuln faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjangkitnya penyakit. Mencegah lebih b omkit yang terlanjur menjangkiti tubuh kita. Po Haci den
1.1. Anemia
Gangguan ini disebabkan rendahnya kadar Hb (hemoglobin) dalam
darah. Rendahnya kadar Hb dapat disebabkan makanan yang
dikonsumsi kurang mengandung zat besi. Ciri-ciri penderitanya
adalah mudah lelah dan sering merasa pusing.
2. Tekanan darah rendah (hipotensi).
Gangguan ini disebabkan terjadinya penurunan tekanan darah.
3. Tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi).
Gangguan ini disebabkan naiknya tekanan darah yang diantaranya
diakibatkan oleh penyempitan pembuluh darah.
4. Kanker darah (leukemia)
Gangguan ini disebabkan sel-sel darah putih yang memperbanyak
diri tanpa terkendali yang mengakibatkan sel darah putih ini
memakan sel darah merah.
5. Jantung koroner
Suatu gangguan jantung disebabkan oleh penumpukan lemak darah
(kolesterol) pada arteri koronaria.
6. Varises
Merupakan suatu keadaan di mana pembuluh darah balik (vena)
mengalami pelebaran dan terpuntir. Gangguan ini biasa terjadi pada daerah kaki.
2. menggangu kesehatan
maaf ngga kasih tau penyebanya.... jadikan yang terbaik ya...
12. Canto kalimat nu ngagunakeun gaya basaLantat nyaetasa ulanga peunten tilu, manehna ngoceakmaratan langitering teh geus cageurLamun geus beunghar ulah sok nepak dadaMang wang ngala sampeu
Jawaban:Lantat nyaeta
sa ulanga peunten tilu, manehna ngoceak
maratan langit
ering teh geus cageur
Lamun geus beunghar ulah sok nepak dada
Mang wang ngala sampeu
Lantat adalah
Di hari ketiga, dia menggelengkan kepalanya
langit maraton
Ering itu sehat
Jika Anda kaya jangan selalu menendang dada
Hasilkan uang darinya
13. Dalam sebuah kompetisi, jawaban benar bernilai 2 . Jawaban salah. Bernilai -1 dan tidak dijawab bernilai 0. Dari total 35 soal , canto menjawab benar 31 soal. Jika Yanto menjawab semua soal,berapa nilai yang diperoleh yanto?
soal benar 31
31 x 2 = 62
jawaban salah 4
4 x (-1)= -4
62 +(-4) = 58
jadi nilai yang di peroleh 58
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Benar = 2
Salah = -1
Tidak menjawab = 0
Jika Yanto menjawab 35 soal dengan 31 soal benar, berapa nilai Yanto?
(31 x 2) + (4 x(-1)) = 62 + (-4) = 58
Jadi, nilai Yanto adalah 58
14. tuliskan lirik lagu himmkan guru cantonya: sal do sol soltuliskan seperti itu.
sol do sol sol fa fa mi mi mi
fa mi re do re mi fa sol sol sol fa mi
la si do si sol fa mi fa re do do
re re mi fa sol mi mi fa sol do re re mi fa la
sol do re re mi fa sol mi mi fa sol sol
fa sol re do si
15. Yuhuhuuuuuuuu Gwisaww!It's quiz time!Permutasi dari "Con altura"Btw numpang nyanyi yak...Esto vamo' a arrancarlo con alturaEl dembow lo canto con honduraDicen una estrella, una figuraDe Hector aprendí la sabrosuraNunca viste una joya tan puraEsto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura (Con altura)Demasiada' noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura (Con altura)Demasiada' noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)Pongo rosas sobre el PanameraPongo palmas sobre la guantanameraLlevo a Camarón en la guantera (De la Isla)Lo hago para mi gente y lo hago a mi maneraFlores azules y quilates y si es mentira que me matenFlores azules y quilates y si es mentira que me maten(Con altura)(Con altura)Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura (Con altura)Demasiada' noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura (Con altura)Demasiadas noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)Aquí en la altura están fuertes los vientosPonte el cinturón y coge asientoA tu jeva ya la vi por dentro (Yes)El dinero nunca pierde tiempo (No, no)Contra la pared (Tú lo sabe)Y le tuve que comprar un trago porque la tenías con sedDesde acá qué rico se veNo soy de acá pero rompí el bajo otra vez (Rosalía)Y si es mentira que me maten (J Balvin)Flores azules y quilatesY si es mentira que me maten(Con altura)(Con altura)Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura (Con altura)Demasiadas noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura(Siempre dura dura) (Con altura)Demasiadas noches de travesura' (Con altura)Vivo rápido y no tengo cura (Con altura)Iré joven pa' la sepultura (Con altura)J BalvinLa RosalíaVamo', vamo'Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa' que quede)Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa', pa' que quede)Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa' que quede)Pa' que se dembuque, vamo', vamo'Lo que yo ahogo, duraVamo'Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa'que quede)Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa', pa' que quede)Va' va' vamos a perrear (Pa' que quede)Pa' que se dembuque, vamo' vamo'Lo que yo hago, dura
Con altura
C = 1
O = 1
N = 1
A = 2
L = 1
T = 1
U = 1
R = 1
Total huruf = 9
Unsur ganda = 2(A)
P = 9!/2!
= 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 / ( 2 × 1 )
[tex] = \frac{362.880}{2} [/tex]
= 181.440
Con altura
C = 1
O = 1
N = 1
A = 2
L = 1
T = 1
U = 1
R = 1
Total huruf = 9
Unsur ganda = 2(A)
P = 9!/2!
= 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 / 2 × 1
[tex] = \frac{362.880}{2} [/tex]
= 181.440
16. Apakah ada dampak cento pembentukan cento di indonesia sebutkan alasanya bagaimana pengarah canto bagi indonesia hubungan cento bagi indonesia
nih penjelasannya
dan maaf kalau salah jadikan jawaban tercerdas
17. Text for No. 34-38see theThey weekend traditional makeradicalme with my mom. There are many thingsmadisonal make the seller, buiering, undeme shops andThere are lots of chce theclose andped My mom svein trade market och 20 kg of misce, and better thetional market complete and the price che per than the price in thesupermarket. To han the price but there is one thing I dislike There is a canto thetraditional marke Ir's attle bat duty, tinky wwe ding the rain4. Every well to traditional market with my momThe underlined and refers toA The sellerB The readerThe whiteDhe Butcher3. When does the winter sually go to traditional marker?A very danB Every morningEvery weekendWhat does the writer's mother buy in the traditional marketA Vegetables, fruits and daily needs C Buche, fishmonger, that and vegetalVeides vegetables, fruits and daily needs D Fashion, vegetables, fruits and daily needsWho atement is not true according to the aboveA The pnoe is cheapB. The buyer can haram the pricec. The pinceis fed pack the buyer cannor hargain the priceDaime momfortable in any sells bed, a bit dirty and weis dat we urgs. The word "stiky meansA CleanB LargeD France
데아 to get the sale of my friends house to myself I would like that I was going on and I have no heart or something else to say that you can get how to get a chance of
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