Exclusion Segregacion Integracion E Inclusion

Exclusion Segregacion Integracion E Inclusion

contoh dari exclusion​

Daftar Isi

1. contoh dari exclusion​


Kata lain





















excuse me







"Ayo Semangat Belajar"






2. apa pengertian ganeralizing and exclusion

atas larangan lampat itulah definisi dari exclusion untuk mencari istilah dan definisi dapata menggunakan kotak penelusuran.

3. 48. (A) include (B) inclusion (C) including (D) inclusive (E) included


jdi gimana kurang jelas hehe

4. Untuk mengukur kinerja Proses dibutuhkan kriteria berikut ini , kecuali Response Time. Turn around Time Fairness CPU Utilization Mutual Exclusion

Jawaban: belajarrrr


D belajarlah sesungguhnya itu telah di pelajari

5. 1. The old man passed away yesterday,...? 2. How long does the website open to receive the reservation? 3. ....You like to have a fun holiday this year? 4. The boys like playing kites. ........Are my neighbours 5. Special offer in March,Kinan Hotel gives you one enchanting evening.One bedroom villa package and with private beautiful garden and swimming pool, along with the expected inclusion,also gives you 30 minutes just 100 USD net/room/night. What kind of the text is above? * A. Narrative B. Recount C. Procedure D. News E. Adverticement 6. Selfie..........On the stage now * A. Is singing B. Singing C. Song D. Was singing E. Is sing



6. 1. What is the purpose of the text? A. To show an exclusion zone in Indonesia. B. To say that Bali Island has been destroyed C. To tell of an experience when going to Mount Agung. D, To announce that Bali airport was closed for a renovation. E. To inform readers about the alert status after Mount Agung errupted 2. How did the Mount Agung eruption affect tourism in Bali? A. Tourists lost their livelhoods. B. No tourists were allowed into Bali. C. Many tourist attractions were badly damaged. D. Tourists shortened their stay and left the island. E. The government evacuated tourists to another country. 3. Why did many tourists and travellers call off their plans to Bali? Because A. Bali is on an alent B. Bali has security problems C. there's no place for holidays D. tourists were banned from visiting Bali E. Bali Airport was closed temporarily.tolong bantu jawab ya

E) To inform readers about the alert status after Mount Agung errupted B) No tourists were allowed into Bali. E) Bali airport was closed temporarily

7. Agroecology is also defined differently according to geographic location. in the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. north american and european uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. in these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals.

In these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals. So people's aspirations of agroecology differs significantly.


Paragraf atau alinea adalah rangkaian gagasan  berbentuk  kalimat yang saling berkaitan. Nama lain  paragraf adalah wacana mini. Tujuan paragraf adalah untuk menandai permulaan suatu topik baru dan untuk memisahkan gagasan utama yang berbeda. Gagasan utama atau gabungan kalimat yang mengandung gagasan utama  dan beberapa pemikiran pendukung adalah makna sebuah paragraf. Paragraf KBBI adalah bagian dari sebuah karangan bab dan biasanya berisi ide utama dan memulai pada baris baru. Sebuah paragraf mengandung makna, pernyataan pikiran, gagasan utama (main idea), atau gagasan utama yang berhubungan dengan gagasan utama keseluruhan karangan. Ini berisi beberapa klausa utama yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan ide-ide utama esai Anda.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang paragraf: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4474484

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

8. tuliskan kode program php untuk mengamankan file inclusion dari aplikasi web

Untuk mengamankan file inclusion dari aplikasi web, beberapa langkah dapat dilakukan menggunakan PHP. Berikut adalah kode program PHP yang dapat digunakan:

Cek URL file: Sebelum memasukkan file, periksa bahwa URL file tidak memiliki parameter tambahan yang tidak dikenal.

$file = $_GET['file'];

$whitelist = array('file1.php', 'file2.php', 'file3.php');

if (in_array($file, $whitelist)) {

include $file;

} else {

die('File not allowed');


Cek path file: Jika file harus diambil dari direktori tertentu, pastikan bahwa path file sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.

$file = $_GET['file'];

$allowed_path ='/path/to/allowed/files/';

$real_path = realpath($allowed_path . $file);

if (strpos($real_path, $allowed_path) === 0) {

include $real_path;

} else {

die('File not allowed');


Gunakan fungsi include_once atau require_once: Fungsi ini memastikan bahwa file hanya dimasukkan satu kali, mencegah pemasukan file yang sama berulang kali.

$file = $_GET['file'];

$whitelist = array('file1.php', 'file2.php', 'file3.php');

if (in_array($file, $whitelist)) {

include_once $file;

} else {

die('File not allowed');


Langkah-langkah ini dapat membantu mengamankan file inclusion dari aplikasi web dengan memastikan bahwa hanya file yang diperbolehkan yang dimasukkan dan membatasi kemungkinan serangan melalui file inclusion. Namun, selalu penting untuk mengamati dan mengevaluasi keamanan aplikasi secara teratur dan memperbarui langkah-langkah pengamanan jika diperlukan

9. Untuk mengukur kinerja proses dibutuhkan kriteria berikut ini , kecuali response time. turn around time fairness cpu utilization mutual exclusion


D. (mutual exclusion)

10. No Soal :98, Pelajaran :BIOLOGI, Bab :Asal usul kehidupan dan evolusiDua spesies burung Finch yang hidup di pulau yang berbeda memiliki rerata panjang paruh keduanya yang dapat mencapai 10 mm. Namun, jika dua spesies tersebut hidup pada pulau yang sama, rerata panjang paruh salah satu spesies burung Finch adalah 8 mm dan spesies lainnya adalah 12 mm. kondisi tersebut di atas dalam konsep teori Evolusi disebutA. competitive exclusion principle (prinsip kompetisi esksklusi).B. intraspecific competition (kompetisi intraspesies).C. realized niche (relung yang sebenarnya).D. resource partitioning (berbagai sumberdaya alam).E. character displacement (perpindahan karakter)Jawaban :​


reallized niche (relung yg sebenarnya)

11. Welcoming speech from an MC to welcome the guests from inclusion school.

Menyambut pidato dari seorang MC untuk menyambut tamu dari sekolah inklusi.Menyambut pidato dari seorang mc atau host untuk menyambut tamu tamu dari pencantuman sekolah

12. 4. What does the phrase 'the crown of the palace' imply?5. Read the third line of paragraph two. What impression did youget after reading the description?6. How are the materials and architectural design of Taj Mahal?7. What do all the materials and the architecture indicate?8. Where was the queen actually buried?9. When do you think is the best time to see Taj Mahal? Why dothink so?10. What do you think about the inclusion of Taj Mahal as one of+ho Coron Tonder of the World​


4. Apa arti ungkapan 'mahkota istana'?

5. Baca baris ketiga paragraf dua. Apa kesan Anda?

dapatkan setelah membaca deskripsi?

6. Bagaimana bahan dan desain arsitektur Taj Mahal?

7. Apa yang ditunjukkan oleh semua bahan dan arsitektur?

8. Di mana ratu sebenarnya dimakamkan?

9. Menurut Anda kapan waktu terbaik untuk melihat Taj Mahal? Kenapa

kira begitu?

10. Apa pendapat Anda tentang dimasukkannya Taj Mahal sebagai salah satunya

+ ho Coron Tonder of the World


13. jelaskan penyakit cytomegalic inclusion disease​

cytomegalic inclusion diasease disebut juga Penyakit tubuh inklusi sitomegal (CIBD) adalah serangkaian tanda dan gejala yang disebabkan oleh infeksi sitomegalovirus, toksoplasmosis atau infeksi langka lainnya seperti virus herpes atau rubella. Ini dapat menghasilkan kalsifikasi masif pada sistem saraf pusat, dan seringkali ginjal.

14. what do you think about the inclusion of taj mahal as one of the seven wonders of the world?

I think it's a wonderful and amazing place. So much people come there to see how the incredible it.

15. 10. What do you think about the inclusion of Taj Mahal as one ofthe Seven Wonders of the World?11. What is the writer's purpose in writing the essay?12. How does the writer organize his idea?T71theevnent​


10. The inclusion of Taj Mahal, the symbol of eternal love, in the list of seven wonders has reinforced India's position as a nation dedicated to the ideal of love and peace

11.The Taj Mahal was commissioned by Shah Jahan in 1631, to be built in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died on 17 June that year, while giving birth to their 14th child.

12.The writer Shah Jahan's grief after the death of Mumtaz Mahal illustrates the love story held as the inspiration for the Taj Mahal.

16. apa yamg dimaksud eviolusi conpetitive exclusion principle

Dalam ekologi prinsip pengecualian persaingan atau "evolusi competitive exclusion principle" disebut juga hukum Gause adalah proporsi bernama Georgy Gause bahwa dua spesies yang bersaing untuk sumber daya pembatas yang sama tidak dapat hidup berdampingan dengan nilai populasi konsan

maaf kalo ada kesalahan

semoga membantu

17. soal: 4.what the phrase 'the crown of the palace' imply ? 5. read the third line of paragraph two. what impression did you get after reading the description ?6. how are materials and the architectureral design of taj mahal ?7. what do all the materials and the architecture indicate ?8.where was the queen actually buried ?9.when do you think is the best time to see taj mahal ? why do think so ?10. what do you think about the inclusion of taj mahal as one of the seven wonders of the world ?

4. it means the most precious item
5. taj mahal is awesome architerural.
6. The mausoleum was constructed of
pure white marble. The white marble is inlaid with semiprecious stones (including jade, crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst and turquoise) that form the intricate designs.
7. it indicates finest architectural and artistic achievement.
8. Her actual remains lie below, at garden level
9. at night because the cool moon rays reflect back from the white marble and give the Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color.
10. I agree for the inclusion of taj mahal as one of the seven wonders of the world, because it is a wonderful place

18. apa yamg dimaksud eviolusi conpetitive exclusion principle


evolusi competitive exclusion principle atau teori prinsip pengecualian persaingan


Dalam ekologi , prinsip pengecualian persaingan , kadang-kadang disebut sebagai hukum Gause , penjetusnya bernama Georgy Gause bahwa dua spesies yang bersaing untuk sumber daya pembatas yang sama tidak dapat hidup berdampingan dengan nilai populasi konstan. Ketika satu spesies bahkan memiliki keunggulan sekecil apapun di atas yang lain, spesies yang memiliki keunggulan akan mendominasi dalam jangka panjang. Ini mengarah pada kepunahan pesaing yang lebih lemah atau pada perubahan evolusioner atau perilaku menuju ceruk ekologis yang berbeda. Prinsipnya telah diparafrasekan dalam pepatah "pesaing lengkap tidak bisa hidup berdampingan".

19. buat pengertian dalam b.inggris tentang : 1. expressing like or dislike about something 2.expressing right or wrong about statements or behavior 3. giving coments to statemens or events 4. expressing opinion about a statements 5.generalizing and exclusion jawabannya dlam b.inggris! *mohon bantuannya

Like: I love it!
Dislike: It's gross!

Right: That's what I thought
Wrong: I'm afraid I don't think so

Agree to a statement: I think so
Disagree: I don't think so

Giving opinion:
-. Why don't......
-. I think....

20. Text for no. Il-12Attention, Students!This Friday, January 25, is the registration deadline for the spring semester.the first floorComplete your registration form in the administrative office on the firstbetween the hours of 8:30 AM. and 6:30 PM. Classes offered in the followingsubjects: Art, history, languages, and economic. Payment must be made at theregistration, so bring your administration receipts or you will not be accepted. No lateexceptions. The classes will begin Monday, January 28, 2014. Thank you for yourattention.11. What subject is NOT offered for the 13. When will the students start their course?registration?A. On January 24 D. At 8.30a.m.A. EconomicsD. HistoryB. On January 28E. At 6.30 p.m.B. LanguagesE.ArtsC.On FridayC. Science14. No late exceptions. The underlined word12. What should the students do besides filling has similar meaning with ....in the registration form?A. ExclusionA. Bring the registration formB. EmulsionB.Accept the administration receiptsC. RegretC. Complete the registration paymentD. EffectiveD. Choose the subject offeredE. ForbiddenE. Come on timese​










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